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Post-Covid Resurrection

Writer's picture: jglicksmithjglicksmith

Yesterday was Easter—a day the Christian community celebrates as the day Jesus rose from the grave.

Spring is here. Flowers and trees are blooming. The world feels like it is waking up.

It seems fitting to reflect on our collective, global condition over the past year in this context (no matter what your religious affiliation or lack thereof). I finally feel like there is optimism for a global resurrection of sorts (I have not felt this way in some time). We are finally, hopefully, soon, coming out the other side with vaccines and a, mostly, conscientious public.

Personally, now that I have been vaccinated, I am anxious to get back out there—to hug friends and family, to visit fire stations, to travel. However, my wanderlust has been significantly curtailed during this lockdown. I have been putting all my travel money into my house and yard and just want to stay here and enjoy it. (We will see how long that lasts.)

I have spent this last year entombed, so to speak, deep in my professional work on a project documenting infrastructure for a global financial services company. I think this has been the most cognitively challenging and satisfying project I have ever had during my 40 years of being a technology professional. In addition, I co-edited and co-authored another book, Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth, due to be published in the fall. I have been spending every weekend since Thanksgiving doing the work to prepare the manuscript for the publisher. I finished that work in mid-March.

I have not looked at my life plan for some time, which is VERY unusual for me. Ordinarily, I am monitoring it daily. In reflection, I realize that in my youth (when I had much more lofty dreams and much more energy), I would have had between 10 and 20 items on my daily to-do list—and, quite often, I would accomplish them. Nowadays, three to five items on my to-do list feels better—and those items get done with more focus and attention to quality and detail.

Limiting my list also allows for time to breathe, dream, stretch, walk, and play with my dogs, which count towards my goal of sustaining my well-being. In busier times, I ignored this goal in favor of accomplishment of professional aspirations.

While my professional goals are still important to me, I am much more likely to take a nap when I am tired and walk when I feel the need to move.

Now that Women Courageous is in the hands of the publisher, however, the world has rushed back in. I need to get back to multiple projects that have been languishing on Covid-hold, such as, my fifth book, Flow Triggers, updating the websites for MentorFactor and The Center for Flow-Based Leadership®, and creating art for Quantum Cowgirl.

These projects will probably not happen in the pre-Covid pace, but in the new, post-pandemic-cadence of “it will get done when it gets done.”

More to come! Into the light!


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